Filtering by Tag: bandcamp

New Shelby Earl Album Available for Pre-Order on Bandcamp TODAY!

BUY MUSIC AND MAKE A DIFFERENCE: for TODAY ONLY the wonderful folks at Bandcamp will be donating 100% of their cut on ALL sales, and I will be donating 100% of my digital sales, to the ACLU! That means YOU get to support independent artists, AND those fighting the good fight for human rights and equality, AT THE SAME TIME! This is what we call a win-win, folks! 

You can also now pre-order my new album THE MAN WHO MADE HIMSELF A NAME (out March 10th through Nine Mile Recs/Redeye) right HERE on my Bandcamp page, along with the rest of my music catalog (and merchandise)! 

Happy shopping, folks! And thank you for your good works. 

xo, Shelby